Student information (e.g., Banner ID, academic program, anticipated graduation date)
The nature of your request and related details (e.g., semester, course name, course CRN)
An explanation of the extenuating circumstances related to your request
Documentation to support your request (e.g., legal documentation, Dean of Students Office, UPD, Title IX Coordinator, medical documentation). Please note that we will only accept faxed medical documentation from the medical provider's office (i.e., doctor, counselor, mental health provider, etc.).
All documentation are subject to verification.
Letter(s) of support from campus officials that may have inadvertently caused a delay (e.g., instructor, adviser, support program counselor stating the reason for the delay was based on their error, or additional course Repeat (3rd or more attempts): a letter from the chair of the course the student is taking is required as documentation.
If you encounter difficulty completing the Academic Appeal Petition, please email for assistance.
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